Friday, June 09, 2006

Apple buys Nintendo? Makes too much sense.

Apple to buy Nintendo?

In this Cnet article, speculation is piled on top of loose stats and squishy hyperbole to create the most exciting prediction I've read in a while. Since none of the game sites have picked up on this yet (probably because it's just guess-work), I thought I'd throw it out there for you.

Brand fanboying aside, I actually think this makes a lot of sense. These are two powerhouses with pure design ethos. Culturally, the organizations would fit perfectly together. Strategically, the merger would bring in much needed clout for Apple in the gaming space and would give Nintendo a revival towards mainstream consumers. Given Steve Jobs' eventual influence on Disney, Apple could be posed to become a multimedia giant, why wouldn't they add games to the mix?

For consumers, the marriage would be a win as well. Think about the wonders of an iPod/DS hybrid. Or maybe the utility of a Mac within a gaming console or vice versa. These guys are the masters of usability and design, I can't help but think they'd make sexy, smart and affordable babies everyone would want to pick up.

[6pm update: Kotaku picked up the story this afternoon.]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
