Saturday, October 21, 2006

Built in come-uppance

There's a warm lounger reserved in Hell for some of us in this country. A majority will be for marketers... hopefully mine will have a nice view of the lava flows. The rest will be for middle class self-righteous soccer moms.

From Reuters: A lawyer (when you got your lounger reserved, go for broke) and mother of two has created a site called What's this? Here's how it works. You put a unique plate on your kid's stroller. When nanny is out about town with the kid, god forbid, she's a little late in giving your kid the juice bottle. Well, your fellow Prada kicking, Gucci touting, sister in class will whip out her pink Blackberry, load up the site and report that lazy-ass nanny so you can send her packing to whatever country she's from.

Holy crap, what a wonderful idea! No, not wonderful because what she wants to do, wonderful because it's got built in come-uppance. I don't care if this never gets anymore publicity but I know this is going to happen: One of these loving mothers is going to be late for a mani-pedi and pull out into town with the nanny's stroller. Then, it's just a matter of time before the kid goes nuclear, the ill-experienced mom loses it and someone else eagerly pulls up the site.

See you hell ladies.

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