This crazy media world
I was reading an article at today...
(If you've been at the Newb before, you may know that I subscribe to the NY Times, my newspaper of choice. So before you go telling the NY Times I've cheated on them, let me explain. Sometimes, when there's no Coke, you drink Pepsi. Ok fine, I was cheating, don't tell them!)
when I came across this page. Take a look at this screenshot. Go ahead and ignore the story, the idiot on the right, the mortgage ad on top. Look closely at the ad in the middle. Don't worry, click on the image, it's work safe and it won't give you 'puter cooties.I know, not very interesting, just another ad. But then I started thinking. Wait a sec. Let's see if I got this straight. Television studio (which has online videos of their tv content) places an online video ad on a newspaper website. Holy smokes! [Warning: redneck accent coming] Dem media's been inbreed'n 'gain Bobby-Joe. You whack em good k?
Oh man, that is... disturbing. Really freak'n disturbing.
You should see the Christmas parties...
By the way, Hubbs tells me you're down for one of our crazy podcasts? Is that still happening?
Hubbs hasn't gotten back to me. I'm game though as long as you don't quiz me on old school NES stuff or talk about Bryant Gumbel
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